Multi-class hair image database with Ground Truth
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Multi-class hair image database with Ground Truth

For Figaro1K please visit this link.

Before you download the data, please note: The pictures in the dataset were collected from the web for the purpose of carrying out not-for-profit scientific experiments and are not University of Brescia property. Any use of the dataset, other than  'fair use', must be negotiated with the pictures' owners. University of Brescia is not responsible for the content nor the meaning of the images.

 Figaro is the first multiclass hair database where images are organized in the following classes: straight, wavy, curly, kinky, braids, dreadlocks and short-men, each containing 120 images.

The ground truth of hair regions have been manually labeled using a commercial image analysis tool to select a binary mask associated to hair location in the image (white for hair, black for not hair), as shown in the examples of Figure 1 (second row) for all class examples.

The 7 classes are distributed in this order:
straight: frame0000-00119
wavy:  frame00120-00239
curly: frame00240-00359
kinky: frame00360-00479 
braids: frame00480-00599
dreadlocks: frame00600-00719
short-men: frame00720-00839

(click below for the file!)

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